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Modern Hawaiian Coffee

Cultivating Sustainability, Connections and Innovation

Outpost Coffee is on a quest to elevate the Hawaiian Coffee experience. The journey commences with the coffee plant itself, honoring each step of the value chain up to customer connection. We cultivate, harvest, ferment, roast, brew, serve and distribute coffee from our home Kahiliholo Orchard and aligned producers of small lot coffees. By meticulously roasting each batch, we showcase the unique terroir and regional respect infused along the way. The result is modern coffee made manifest, one batch at a time.


Outpost Coffee is an opportunity to experience the intricate nature of coffee. Located on the tropical island of Kauai, our sustainable approach to modern coffee is an evolving quest that we invite you to join…

The quest to elevate Hawaiian Coffee began long ago in a quaint New Zealand sea side town. In 2007 I found myself working in a Kiwi bar/restaurant equipped with an espresso machine that no one knew how to operate. Having witnessed coffee’s ability to enhance a communal experience, I dedicated my spare time to learning the art of coffee. 

By keen observation and inquiry, local coffee shops became my classroom. I studied the baristas and asked questions, then practiced the day’s discoveries on my own in the evenings. Gradually, the refined aroma of coffee infused the atmosphere. And, simultaneously, a bright passion began brewing within me. 

As a customer, I had always appreciated the way coffee drew people together. There was a sense of ohana, or family, in the container of cafes. It’s that sense of connection that continues to elevate my life experience— and when you find something good, it’s always better when you share it. 

So, I created Outpost Coffee as a bridge to connect people with the enriching reality of coffee. As the world’s most famous yet anonymous commodity, coffee is an opportunity to explore a whole new reality with each sip. And Outpost Coffee is a way to elevate your explorations.

Pioneering the modern coffee paradigm, Outpost Coffee seeks to relinquish the colonial system of keeping producers impoverished. We aim to produce a world-class product where everyone in the value chain is thriving— from diverse microbiota in the soil to passionate producers to stoked customers. You can learn more about our principles and practices at our home Kahiliholo Orchard here

Outpost Coffee came to fruition within the rich growing region of Kauai, where my role as a barista expanded into local coffee machine technician, buyer, roaster, farmer, producer, seller and company founder. Ironically, I find most joy in completing the cycle as a barista, serving Outpost Coffee as a medium of connection with others. Then again, as a committed customer, the delight of being on the receiving end of an elevated cup of coffee will never lose its novelty.


Kahiliholo Orchard

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